I Have A Dream

To Keep the History Alive
Swedes and Finns settled the Delaware Valley in 1638. The successful documentation of the role of Church Boats, the first Ferries across the Delaware River is essential to the preservation of the significant historical story of who settled this area and when.
In 2004 we finally dedicated a monument to these settlers and their weekly maritime adventure of going to church as faithful Christians, after many years of fund raising and cutting through red tape. There was much to be coordinated through the township and the county, and the monument exists, not necessarily where these voyages originated, but rather where we were allowed to locate a monument.
These circumstances make the significance of the monument and the peoples it is dedicated to no less, and to that end a scale model of the church boat type believed to be used here was finally delivered via private funding.
As with any Historical Preservation Project, there is always more to do. My dream is that the critical facts of who settled here, how they survived and how their Christian beliefs and worship habits played into the scenario remains alive in the minds of generations to come.
All continued support is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Contributions to the Dream can be directed to:
c/o Aleasa Hogate
94 Sparks Avenue
Pennsville, NJ 08070
Or call (856) 678-5511 or e-mail to goaleasa@aol.com