Historical Paintings, Illustrations & Replicas of the Delaware River Church Boats

Landing for Church-going by Danish Artist Wilhelm Marstrand
1853 - Illustrates the extensive use of Church Boats and their canoe-like appearance. The Nordic Museum (Nordiska Museet) is an absolute "Must See" if you ever get to visit Stockholm. They have the fantastic publication on Church Boats (Kyrkbåtar) by Albert Eskeröd with an English Summary.
(Some of the sketches used on this site came from this excellent book)
In 1667, a log church was built at Crane Hook south of the Christina River. Settlers from Penns Neck, Finn's Point, Boughtown (Penns Grove) and Lucas Point (Carney's Point) were part of this congregation. Since there was no church on the East side of the river they traveled across the Delaware River in shallops and skiffs to attend Crane Hook Church at New Castle. When a new church was built north of the Christina River, the people of Penn's Neck traveled across the river to help build the new Holy Trinity Church in 1699.
Many replicas of the James River Batteau have been reproduced, and relive the moments in history of the James River Canal, and those replicas traverse 120 miles of the canal during the Festival every June. Fortunately, excellent models of these vessels have been discovered by marine archeologists to use as patterns for building those replicas.
Here we see a true replica of the Råttvik Church Boat, built by renowned model builder Butch Bouvier of L&C Replicas (pictured below)